Its really a pitty that IARU limited the IARU 6m Test to SSB/CW only some years ago. In times of low activity (closed band) FT8 tropo or JT6m Meterorscatter
could fill the gaps as it was this time, almost no ES on Saturday. ARRL VHF contests do this this mixed digital/analog modes for a long time. This would bring
another challenge to the 6m contest. Of course when the band is open nothing beats CW/SSB. My vote for mixed mode contests including MGM. Beside that the MGM
only contests are in a time of the year without any ES probability, but thats a different story.
Contest: QSO_LOG
Band: 6m
QSOs: 34
Dupes: 1
Invalid: 0
Average: 1199 km/QSO
Total score: 39569
ODX: 1750 km KN75VH R6KA
Rates: 9.4 QSO/hod.
10 x F 11610 29%
6 x EA 9582 24%
7 x G 7927 20%
1 x R6 1750 4%
1 x SM 1715 4%
1 x EA6 1442 3%
1 x GM 1282 3%
1 x GW 1250 3%
1 x MQ 1206 3%
1 x YO 1126 2%
1 x SP 635 1%
1 x OK 38 0%
1 x DL 6 0%
Top ten QSOs
R6KA KN75VH 1750
EA5Z JM08CT 1723
SM2EKM KP05UW 1715
EE5K IM99RM 1695
EA1IT IN73TA 1630
EA2XR IN83KI 1529
EA2DLX IN83MH 1522
EA2LU IN92DT 1483
EA6SA/P JN10XA 1442
F4GGQ IN77SX 1353
QRB QSOs Points
0-100 2 44 0%
100-200 0 0 0%
200-300 0 0 0%
300-400 0 0 0%
400-500 0 0 0%
500-600 0 0 0%
600-700 1 635 1%
700-800 0 0 0%
800-900 2 1705 4%
900-1000 0 0 0%
>1000 2 2069 5%
Azimuth QSOs Points
0-30 1 1715 4%
30-60 0 0 0%
60-90 1 635 1%
90-120 3 2882 7%
120-150 0 0 0%
150-180 1 38 0%
180-210 0 0 0%
210-240 5 7504 18%
240-270 11 14290 36%
270-300 10 11223 28%
300-330 1 1282 3%
330-360 0 0 0%
Operator 6m
DM3F 33
Modes 6m
CW 10 29%
SSB 23 67%
FM 0 0%
DIGI 0 0%
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