Montag, 8. November 2010

Marconi Memorial 2010

First time MMC as single OP, I made a 6h break in the night - so not squeezing the last points. But the main limiting factor is the QRM in a QTH like JO60OM the band is covered with "Aurora" like noise sidebands if antennas pointing right towards the big guns. The OL5Q crew was running a skimmer device which was quite sensitve towards south and brought some extra QSOs. Unfortunately the (untested) CAT control with WinVUSC didnt work, so I had to tune manually to the frequencies. Iam not shure if the programm supports transverter offset for CAT (because the SW TRX is running on 10m). QSO wise best direction was towards S5/9A which also gave me the ODX. Tests to west >800km failed. A RU2 calling in the last minutes of the contest didnt make it in the log either. Thanks for the QSOs and cuagn.
CallSign   : DM3F
Contest    : MMC10
Date       : 2010/11/06
QTH        : 
WW Locator : JO60OM
A.S.L.     : 900 m
Band       : 144 MHz
Category   : Single o
LOG        : Atalanta Locator ver. 12.23

Nr of QSO  : 343 
- Dupe's   : 0 
- Bug's    : 0 
Valid QSO  : 343 

Sum of pts.: 105 945 
ODX        : YU7ACO in KN05QC at 857 km

Nr of DXCC : 17 
DXCC       :158xDL( 38564)       81xOK( 14364)       25xOM( 11013)      
             14xHG(  7198)       14xSP(  5192)       10x9A(  6215)      
             10xS5(  4919)        5xI (  3239)        5xPA(  2902)      
              4xF (  2273)        4xOE(  1299)        4xON(  2457)      
              3xE7(  2273)        2xUR(  1464)        2xYU(  1540)      
              1xHB(   458)        1xSM(   575)      

Nr of WWL  : 72 
WWL        : 29xJO70   21xJO61   16xJO60   14xJO62   14xJO51   14xJN99  
             14xJN69   12xJO31   12xJN89   11xJN79   10xJO71    9xJO50  
              9xJN97    8xJN88    7xJO72    7xJN98    7xJN76    7xJN58  
              6xJO40    6xJN87    6xJN86    5xJO53    5xJO52    5xJO43  
              4xJO20    4xJN95    4xJN68    4xJN49    4xJN48    3xJO80  
              3xJO42    3xJO41    3xJO32    3xJO30    3xJN85    3xJN65  
              3xJN59    3xJN39    2xKN08    2xJO90    2xJO63    2xJO54  
              2xJO21    2xJN94    2xJN78    2xJN54    1xKO03    1xKN29  
              1xKN19    1xKN18    1xKN09    1xKN06    1xKN05    1xJO94  
              1xJO93    1xJO91    1xJO81    1xJO73    1xJO65    1xJO64  
              1xJO33    1xJO22    1xJO10    1xJN84    1xJN75    1xJN67  
              1xJN64    1xJN63    1xJN47    1xJN38    1xJN36    1xJN19  

      < 100  49x
  100 - 199  74x
  200 - 299  54x
  300 - 399  49x
  400 - 499  69x
  500 - 599  22x
  600 - 699  19x
  700 - 799  5x
  800 - 899  2x
  900 - 999  0x
      > 999  0x
        ALL  336

TOP 10
 1. YU7ACO       KN05QC   857 km
 2. E77CFG       JN94GG   803 km
 3. I5PVA/6      JN63GN   776 km
 4. UW5W         KN29AU   775 km
 5. E74G         JN94IR   765 km
 6. E77ZM        JN84PT   705 km
 7. 9A2LX        JN95LM   702 km
 8. UZ5DZ        KN18DO   689 km
 9. IK4PMB       JN54MM   687 km
10. 9A4V         JN95CI   685 km

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