Montag, 18. Oktober 2010

Contest         : Worked All Germany Contest
Callsign        : DM3F
Mode            : CW
Category        : Single Operator (SO)
Overlay         : ---
Band(s)         : All bands (AB)
Class           : Low Power (LP)
Zone/State/...  : S07
Locator         :
Operating time  : 12h29

   80    62   0  12     118  1.90
   40   248   1  43     703  2.83
   20   230   3  43     786  3.42
   15    44   1  16     143  3.25
   10    12   0   5      28  2.33
TOTAL   596   5 119    1778  2.98
      TOTAL SCORE : 211 582

Duplikate werden nicht mitgezählt und sind nicht in den Schnittberechnungen enthalten

Operators       : DH5FS
Soapbox         : I was using a Internet remote controlled station built by Steve, DH1DM. It runs under LINUX with a very low audio latency. Logging was done with YFKtest. The station performed very well with a inverted G5RV 30m over the ground in the running mode. I had planned to use my home station downtown as Multiplier Station, but the noise QRM is just too high for serious operation. Thanks for the QSOs es cuagn.

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