Sonntag, 8. November 2015

J3/DH5FS QSL preview

If you would like to see a preview of your J3/DH5FS QSL, click (if suspense is killing you) ;-)

Dienstag, 19. Mai 2015

23cm LNA from Ucraine

Pavel, US4ICI and his team from are building a nice preamp for 23cm. Details can be found here:

It is doing a nice job:
23cm LNA

Passband with filtercurve from the ceramic filter, quite good input return loss
good suppression on 70cm

Noise figure measurement with HP 346B and Eaton 2075, with 10dB attenuator in front of the LNA its a bit worse abt. 0.5-0.6dB (for unknown reason)
because the preamp is going to be used for tropo the second stage was removed, the gain is now lower
its now 22dB @ 80mA

Sonntag, 10. Mai 2015

Result May 2015

CallSign   : DM3F
Contest    : May 2015
Date       : 2015/05/02
QTH        :

WW Locator : JO60OM

A.S.L.     : 900 m
Band       : 432 MHz
Category   : Single op
LOG        : Atalanta Locator ver. 12.23

at 1:34 DM3F audio

Nr of QSO  : 171
- Dupe's   : 0
- Bug's    : 0
Valid QSO  : 171

Sum of pts.: 48 805
ODX        : YU1LA in KN04FR at 842 km

Certificate March UHF Contest 2015

Freitag, 2. Januar 2015