Dienstag, 30. November 2010

CQWW CW 2010

The contest started with a lot of confusion about the rules. For me it was now doubt that the use of RBN must be possible in assisted categories, but also the use of "private" skimmers must be possible. But it was not clear that if there would be also Single Band Assisted Low Power categories, because the website/rules doesnt list them. K3EST gave a positive answer to that (after the contest). I could work almost everthing I heard except KH7, so the IC735 + G5RV setup is working quite well except to the east. 95% of the QSOs were unassisted, thanks to CT1DRB for helping me with the logging software.

Contest             : CQWW
Callsign            : DM3F
Mode                : CW
Operator            : SINGLE-OP
Transmitter         : ONE
Assisted            : ASSISTED
Power               : LOW
Sent Exchange       : 14

Band    QSO    Qpts   Dupes    DXCC   Zones
   6      0       0       0       0       0
   10      0       0       0       0       0
   12      0       0       0       0       0
   15      0       0       0       0       0
   17      0       0       0       0       0
   20      0       0       0       0       0
   30      0       0       0       0       0
   40    538     850       2      84      22
   80      0       0       0       0       0
  160      0       0       0       0       0
  ALL    538     850       2      84      22
  Total Score: 90.100

   Logged with YFKtest v0.0.10

Montag, 8. November 2010

Marconi Memorial 2010

First time MMC as single OP, I made a 6h break in the night - so not squeezing the last points. But the main limiting factor is the QRM in a QTH like JO60OM the band is covered with "Aurora" like noise sidebands if antennas pointing right towards the big guns. The OL5Q crew was running a skimmer device which was quite sensitve towards south and brought some extra QSOs. Unfortunately the (untested) CAT control with WinVUSC didnt work, so I had to tune manually to the frequencies. Iam not shure if the programm supports transverter offset for CAT (because the SW TRX is running on 10m). QSO wise best direction was towards S5/9A which also gave me the ODX. Tests to west >800km failed. A RU2 calling in the last minutes of the contest didnt make it in the log either. Thanks for the QSOs and cuagn.